The results are in!

The response has been overwhelming so far - it’s great that so many people care! Thank you so much!

Lots of you replied via the form on this website, and after just a week, there were over 700 comments from people on TikTok and Instagram (such as this TikTok video).

A few points to take away:

  • There are lots of young people out there who care about this a lot. Lots of messages saying “thank you so much for doing this” or “please let me know if I can help” or “I’m really keen to get involved”

  • The things that crop up most are:

    • Lots of young people love the National Trust and would love to be more involved :)

    • Lots of young people find the National Trust too expensive

    • There is a big interest in more internships and work experience

    • Lots of people suggested events - drinks events, yoga, fancy dress

    • The cafes could better

    • Please can the Trust help with transport - lots of people want to come but don’t have a car


“I have long recommended that the Trust look towards establishing a Grounds and Parking membership fee, but apparently this isn't possible because of how membership fees feed back into the overall funding of NT.
It is my belief that if such a membership existed, it would lead to an increase in overall membership in areas such as mine (Swindon!!) which lacks properties, but does have extensive outdoor spaces. Many view the use of these as not being worth the £72 annual fee, but would be likely to pay something akin to the 25 and under membership fee of £35, especially given the amount that is spent on parking fees. I know that, despite my love of NT (and heritage overall) I am considering cancelling my membership once I have to start paying the full rate, because I don't know if I will see the benefit, living where I do and not driving.”

“The natural history museum does these Dino snore sleep overs for adults (link attached and they are really cool and actually generate a lot of money for the natural history museum the tickets are £185 each! I would love to go on a historic version even if it’s just camping and going round the grounds after hours etc”

“I'm 24 and live in the Lake District, I'd love for the National Trust to be more supportive of our vulnerable rural communities! Too top down, too ambivalent about second homes, too fixed in their idea of what this place should be like.”

“The National trust should host balls in properties that have ballrooms- full Bridgerton style- like it’s the 18th century. They could even have a small charge which would help them pay for maintenance.”

“Make membership free for 18-21, then a sliding scale as you get older. People like myself who enjoy history but are broke students may not be willing to pay £40 for something they aren’t sure they’ll make the most of. Giving membership free for that initial period would let young people try out the National Trust, see if they like it, with no commitment. You may even find it encourages young people to become paying members!”

“Hiya! I’ve set up a national trust society at my university as I love the national trust too and wanted to share that interest and find other young people that were also keen. Our plans at the moment are just to go on visits, organise speakers and to hold socials for likeminded young people, but I will let you know of any further ideas that would make the national trust more enjoyable for young people!”

“The darker episodes of British history are certainly the most interesting. More gore and more war would certainly bring in a younger audience through their morbid curiosity.”

“1. 18-25 year olds would have actually been the group experiencing many of these national trust houses in their prime. When I think of someone like Polesden Lacey, it was a party house! Yet there is really little vestige of this. Why are there not house parties at these places? Or at the very lest some more interactive exhibits of what they were like. Hell, some of these places are big enough that festivals could be run in them.

2. Link with Universities to collaborate on curriculum opportunities. Surely loads of lecturers are experts in these spaces so could give deliver some of their lectures there?

3. Engage with the nuanced interpretations of these spaces. It's not about tearing it down but it is about recognising where wealth has been accumulated. There are only so many more times I can read "after some prudent investment in overseas trade" on a plaque explaining where the funding for the Italianate facade on the Western extension came from.”

“I’m 23 and always loved the National Trust. I’ve grown up with the beautiful Waddesdon Manor on my doorstep which has definitely helped. I’m also a teacher and subject lead for history but I don’t know anyone my age as enthusiast about the as myself and wish I had more people to talk to and also learn more from. Not being at university anymore makes it feel even more isolating when you didn’t make connections to people with those interests at the time. So social events for young people at some of the beautiful settings would be amazing. Just thinking about how Waddesdon Manor was also used in the recent Cinderella film and this could definitely be used as a hook to get people through the doors.”

“Not such an epic idea but I think the young person membership ending at 25 should be changed. Suddenly paying double when I get to 25 when my financial situation hasn’t changed makes little sense to me. I get no extra benefits by paying more so I am likely to end my membership. I think perhaps having a lower rate (somewhere between the young person and the standard membership rate) might attract more people. I know both sets of my parents would love a membership but can’t justify the price. Maybe allow 18-20 to have a “free trial” then charge the same rate for everyone over that age.”

“1. Host balls and parties! Some costumed and some not. People love Bridgerton, Pride and Prejudice, 1920's etc - to be able to actually attend some of these in real life would be fun.

2. 'Private' garden parties in the summer. Rent out sections of the beautiful gardens for birthdays, engagement parties.

3. Painting evenings in the galleries, or like paint your own teacup

4. Host pet walks in the grounds. Socialising puppies born in lockdown in the extensive grounds would be fun (maybe more millennial targeted though).

5. Cottagecore is a massive thing. Capitalise on that somehow.

6. Get on TikTok and tell the funny stories of the houses

7. Candlelit music nights, but not just classical music - acoustic bands etc as well.”

“Evening lit walls, light mazes, better parking app”

“I’m so sorry, I don’t actually have an epic idea - I just wanted to say thank you for shining a light on us young NT lovers!

I suppose all I would say is that I love the National Trust to be honest: as it is. I don’t think I’m especially uncool or had a mispent youth that has meant the National Trust is some shameful old person thing that I, a weirdo, am into. And I know that that’s not the narrative you’re either pedalling nor combatting either - we’re all here because we love it and want more people our age to love it too because it’s great. I can’t really put a finger on why young people, especially now so many of us have enjoyed reconnecting with nature, history and outdoor pursuits over lockdown, aren’t more interested. But I don’t think this is not so much an issue with the National Trust not doing enough for us, but rather just a simple fact that not enough of us know about it? So rather than make a drive to host young-person specific events or investing in targeted marketing etc etc, maybe all we need is to widen the already-established channels and let the National Trust speak for itself? I hope that makes sense!!

Either way, thank you for starting this project and if I can help in anyway beyond sharing this site to my pals, let me know!”

“I just came across your post on tiktok and felt like it was fate! I'm looking to do something different and that I enjoy in life... one of those things being the National Trust. I applied for an apprenticeship with them last year and was unsuccessful (cry) but what youre doing is amazing.

I've just looked through the ideas so far and totally agree with all of them. I think something that could help is transportation to the sites as a lot of people in this group (18-25) may not drive or have access to a car. It would be cool to have a service maybe just twice a day from a local bus station/train station that could go to and from the sites. (The greener the better!)

Also maybe hosting picnics etc ...??

I would love to be involved if possible? I think what youre doing is a great idea!”